Me and my little people

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Tough Lesson

There is a great quote by Maya Angelou..."When somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time." I could have saved myself many a tough road if I would have followed those words. People are not always who they claim to be. Two people in my life who have always been husband and my Lord. Both have loved me unconditionally...even when I didn't deserve it. Both are always looking out for my best interest...even when I am not. Both have never left my matter how hard I have pushed them away at times. I am writing a short blog today as it is Saturday. I just wanted to share Maya's quote...may each of you recognize the people in your life who are of God...who are truthful, honest, respectful, and of good character...these people are a gift from God. And sometimes it takes the other kind to teach you who the good ones are!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pure Irony

I was reminded this morning of what I call a "Boca moment"(that's Boca to the right...a moment when I want to be disguised from one of my airy moments)I had about a month ago. I was in one of my independent moods and decided "I could wash my car all by myself." Now let me just pause there for a moment and tell you that washing the car by myself means driving thru one of those car washes where you sit in your car as you go thru the machine...and when you come out on the other side you "vacuum it by yourself"! Feeling brave and strong this particular morning, I entered the car wash reading every sign as carefully and thoroughly as possible (ie..put your car in neutral, leave your car on). I was reading those signs so well that I proceeded to run my car right off the track in the car wash...lights began flashing, employees ran out, and the machine came to a halt. Let's just say the employees were a little frustrated with this mom in her big 4 wheel drive suburban...all I could do was smile with embarrassment. Needless to say they were able to back me out and "try" again. This time I made it thru! As I was driving thru, I began to laugh and think how my heavenly Father must be laughing too. I could see the irony in the situation and how closely it related to my life. God often leads me down his path and so many times I get distracted and end up stuck...but he is always faithful to back me up a bit and let me try again to get on the right path. I approached that car wash dirty and I was driving thru, I was covered by those waving flaps that kept me from seeing at that moment and were shaking all the dirt off my car...and then I came out clean and confident. Oh how I have had that same experience with God so many times before...I come to him often with all my faults and sins..and while I am in the middle of it, it feels very dark and like I am being pushed from side to side. And in that dark place God is working..he is working very hard to clean up the mess I have made and to use it for HIS greater good. Finally, I come out on the other side...with all the "mud and mire" stripped away and a new being in its place. Thank goodness! What a lesson God taught me that day there in the car wash! And I am pretty sure he told me to let someone else wash my car next time!?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pages of Grace

There is a lady named Hazel at the nursing home where my grandmother has lived for the last 3 years. She is 92 years old and and can quote scripture like you wouldn't believe. She says it is her job at the nursing home to check on every person there each day. Her bible is marked and worn from a life well lived. I am sure if she were to write the story of her life that there would be pages and pages of grace. At a "newly" 36 years of age, I know God's grace. I know it because I don't deserve it and yet he continues to shower it on me. There have been many times in my life where I just wanted to run, but he pursues me and reminds me he isn't finished with me yet. My hope for this blog is to share life with life and the life of others. I have fallen on my face more times than I care to count, but it is there where I have met my Father and been cradled in his unconditional love. It is in that pit that his glory covers me and his grace is shown. His grace is sufficient for my life and yours. I was reminded of a verse today in Luke 10:29-"But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor." I have encountered different people and situations in my life where I wanted to justify my actions or my words...and many times I have tried with no success. I hear God say to me, "Let me justify you Leigh." And he has...maybe not the way I would have prefered, but by bringing friends and strangers into my life for that very purpose. We all have a story to tell...some are prettier than others...and some have scars there to remind them daily where they have been. But we all have at least one thing in common...we were all created by a fun and beautiful God who loves us more than we could ever imagine. And Hazel...Oh I know she was created by God...may I have the same fire and passion for the God who has never left my side at 92 years old!!! That is a page of grace in my book.